Sunday, September 12, 2010

Workin' It

Well, I went for the gusto today.  I hit Publix for cereal, BOGO Beech Nut baby food, and Barilla Pasta Sauce.  I had two 75 cent coupons for the sauce (1.35- .75= .60 each) and $1 off 8 jars of baby food.  The baby food rang up at .28 cents each and with the coupon, I got them for about .16 cents each!  I didn't have a coupon for the BOGO Special K, but got it for $2/each. 

At Kroger, I was able to use my two Libby's canned veg. coupons (Buy 3 for .50) and each can was .50. The coupons were doubled, so I bought six cans and got them for about .17 cents each!  I was able to use some Kroger coupons we had been mailed on hot dogs, deli meat, and formula.  I also stocked up on chicken breasts at 1.99/pound.  I did all my grocerying, including baby food and formula, for  $53.93!    And I bought real food.  Produce, bread, fresh meat, frozen vegetables, cheese, milk. And it wasn't that hard!

I still have a LOT to learn about wise stewardship, but I wanted to share, blogfriends. 

Have a wonderful Sunday!

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