Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Preschool Party

The backstory:  Sarah was wearing her matching outfit, but due to the antibiotics for her ear, we had a blowout.  Big time.  At McDonalds.  They enjoyed the party; however, Jeremiah fake cries during choral singing, so he did not enjoy "Happy Birthday, Jesus".   Sarah fell from holding on to a chair while I was taking Jeremiah's picture by the tree.  So my excellent parenting skills were on full display!

 I love the picture of Sarah chugging the juicebox.  She's so blase about it!


Mine.  Back off.

Tackling the Scooby Doo presents.

Sarah likes the bows.

Jeremiah knows these are t-o-y-s.

 Little sister wants what big brother wants.

And both want to be at Mom's feet.

On a comical note, I think it is worth mentioning that Jeremiah has not mastered the art of blowing his nose or expressing discomfort when wearing a dirty diaper, but he know exactly which presents belong to him.

We're ready for Jesus' birthday to be here!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Santa Babies

Jeremiah at 7 months on Christmas Day  2008

Sarah at 11 months a week before Christmas 2010


Awkward Family Photos.  Check it out.   The following are not on the same level, but they make our own hit list of awkwardness.



Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Grocery Store Angst

It all started well.  I made a list, selected my coupons and put them in a little envelope.  Made a trip back to the car to fetch my reusable bags.  I put the kids in the race car buggy, secured the bakery cookies, and began to troll the aisles.  I felt oh-so-virtuous as I placed my 10 mega deals in the reusable bag as instructed by Jenny of Southern Savers.  The lady in front of me in line was an employee and chatted with the checker, so I was able to dump everything out on the conveyor belt and get the cart empty.  And then I realized.

My coupon envelope was gone.  Let's all pause to regroup.

I frantically searched my coat pockets, my purse, my reusable bags, the store circulars in the buggy seat.  It's gone.  My carefully matched coupons.  I throw place Jeremiah in the cart because he is grabbing all the candy bars and pay up.  Once back in the car,  I proceed to have a little hissy fit about my blunder.  I lost about $12 dollars in coupons.  Maybe some nice mom needing $3 off formula or .75 cents off Almond milk will find it.

When we got home, I took a picture of the grocery store aftermath.

There's always cookies.  Which I did buy.  With a .55 cent peel off coupon. 

I feel better.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Yoo Hoo

Anyone else had their fill of George Michael's "Last Christmas" and John Lennon's "War is Over"?   Those seem like the only two songs I hear in the car. I really like the Classical  and Swingin' Christmas channels on Pandora, however.

We've pulled out the Christmas boxes and I've decorated the dining room.  We are attending the WR Christmas parade, our church musical, and a company dinner this weekend.   I've stocked up on sugar cookie mix and chocolate chips in hopes of baking for Christmas.  We are trying to start some family Christmas traditions this year.  I unpacked the Nativity scene and explained the story to Jeremiah.  He really likes the baby Jesus figure and the lamb. 

Sarah is climbing. the. STAIRS.  She's 10 1/2 months!   She is so happy and such a joy.  We had Christmas pictures taken of both kids, so be on the lookout for them to pop up in your mail.  I'll post them after the cards are out.  Wouldn't want to ruin the anticipation!

Oh, and I BOGO'd today. I seriously get this slightly frantic rush while sorting and scouring for the coupons to match the deal. You know I took an obnoxious picture. I had about $15 in coupons, and with the sales prices, saved $44 and spent about $21. Great deals on Beech Nut baby food: 17 cents per jar with BOGO and coupons. Check out Southern Savers under the Publix tab for links to the coupons and best BOGO deals.

Here's an assortment of photos: