Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Personality Snapshot

Since we took the road trip this weekend, Jay's sleeping patterns have regressed! We took the poor baby everywhere with little sleep and I have paid the piper. We were back to 1 a.m. screaming without consolation... yes, my trained nighttime feeder/sleeper reemerged. However, by last night, he stirred at 1 and 3 and put himself back to sleep.

The snapshot this title of this entry refers to is the position I found Jay in when I checked on him after the crying ceased at 1. He had turned himself over on his stomach, thrown his arm outside of the crib, and was hugging the crib bumper. Despite my coaching, Jay does not like to turn over on his stomach during playtime. It cracked me up to see him showing me up by turning over when he felt like it. And it was so cute to see him cuddling! It was, however, not a "Kodak moment" at 1 a.m.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I, like everyone else, can't wait. Holidays are so hopeful, even though the reality can sometimes be that they are also expensive and trying due to all the demands we place on ourselves to have the perfect Thanksgiving and Christmas.

As my husband will attest, I am incredibly nostalgic and always love talking about favorite memories. Here are some favorites:

1. My little sister as a preschooler repeating bathroom humor at the Thanksgiving table (and my grandparents being oblivious to what was so funny).
2. My Nanny's chocolate layer cakes, dressing, English peas, and sweet tea.
3. Seeing MaMaw and Pop at the head of the table for every holiday meal.
4. A-train meeting my family the day after my Pop's funeral. It helped.
5. The Savannah Truck Stop. Home to many pre-Thanksgiving and Christmas meals as we were en route. For you, Mom!
6. Kabula lights. For Dad.
7. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. It's not American if you don't love and identify with that movie.
8. My first Thanksgiving as a "married lady" where I made real dressing, roasted the Turkey, and showed my mad hostess skills. And used my "good" china.
9. Huddling with my sister in our beds as kids, waiting for our parents to wake up so we could go see what Santa left us. For Aunt Nat: Snugglebunnies!
10. This year, and all the sweetness that Jay will bring to our family!

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Mommers said...

Well, after reading your memories I am just veklempt - talk among yourselves - my little girls sure did make a lot of happy memories for us - so pleased you remembered Nanny P. Can't wait for some Jaybird holiday memories.