Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sleep Update, Day 2

Um, could I have some privacy, please?

Why is she always in my face?

Happy, rested boy

Another step closer to uninterrupted sleep. Jay was down from 9:00 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. After two rounds of crying-waiting-comforting-crying, he went back to sleep. And I awoke at 7:00 a.m. wondering if we had slept in. It was great to wake up to the sunlight and not crying.

Naps are going better too. He fusses a bit, but is learning to put himself to sleep. With all his squirming, he usually ends up with his head facing the side rails and his feet toward the back of his bed.
All in all, success!

1 comment:

Mommers said...

Love the photos of J. So excited about the house. Your're looking great - its only been 6 months.