Friday, February 20, 2009


After hearing the same Taylor Swift song 3 times on the radio in one day, I switch to another station and catch 5 minutes of a woman's testimony about her conversion experience. (Aside: the song is "Love Story" which states: "You be the prince and I'll be the princess...." I change the channel because yet another Taylor Swift song comes on, and this one talks about how the narrator lives in the real world and is over her crush because she's no princess. Weird, yes? Aren't albums supposed to have some consistent theme? I digress.)

Anyway, the woman is talking about two lies she is saved from after receiving Jesus. The first is that being a full time mom is a waste. She realizes, "I wasn't just wiping noses and bottoms. I was nurturing an eternal soul." My thoughts exactly.

Also, since desperation is the mother of invention, I pull out my Martha Stewart Complete Homekeeping Encyclopedia (which I haven't cracked since moving into our first townhome 3 years ago). I am out of toilet cleaner and though I've been in 3 supermarkets this week, have not remembered to buy any. So, I use baking soda and vinegar to clean my bathrooms. Kinda filmy, but cheap, clean, and 'green'. Today, bathrooms. Tomorrow, total world domination.

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