Thursday, January 13, 2011

Poetry, Sheer Poetry...

My sister sent me a few notes I had written that were found in my Mamaw's things.  I was probably about nine when this letter was written.  It captures me perfectly.  Hope it gives you a laugh.

"Dear Mama and Pop,

How are you.  I am fine.  Natalie Birthday is soon.  Today is the 13th of July.  We are going to have 12 people come.  not incuceding ME MOM DAD.  We are getting a LOT of stuff for it.  She cant wait!  But I CAN!!  Her list of TOYS is as big as the fence!  I'm seruios.  I'll see you soon!  But before you go I have to tell you something.  YOU see I have a JOB.  AND it ends next week on Friday.  So maybe I can still come to Dollywood with within the month.  SEE you Then Good bye! 
LOVE, Melissa  LOVE You!"

Hmmm.  Where to begin?  Can you tell I did not enjoy having any attention directed away from me, even on my little sister's birthday?  We have an old picture of my sister in her high chair, with me holding her gifts and pouting.  I'd be willing to bet there was not a "list" of presents as big as the fence.  I'm seruios.   I was just a wee bit dramatic. 

My JOB was to let my neighbor's dog play outside and clean up and feed him while they were away.  I was so prissy that I had my sister lift the dog, Baron, out over his gate because I could feel his ribs and it freaked me out.  I've always been a bit peculiar.

What a neat gift to stumble upon.  Don't forget to call (or write) your Mama, as Lewis Grizzard would say.  I wish I could call mine.

Thanks, Natalie!   You have thrived despite being my little sister and you are a wonderful one.  Seruiosly.

1 comment:

Natalie Mead said...

Yes, somehow I miraculously survived :) I figured you would enjoy some of your earlier unpublished works. You'll have to have Jeremiah hold up some of Sarah's gifts when he is in a grumpy mood to keep the tradition alive.