Since we took the road trip this weekend, Jay's sleeping patterns have regressed! We took the poor baby everywhere with little sleep and I have paid the piper. We were back to 1 a.m. screaming without consolation... yes, my trained nighttime feeder/sleeper reemerged. However, by last night, he stirred at 1 and 3 and put himself back to sleep.
The snapshot this title of this entry refers to is the position I found Jay in when I checked on him after the crying ceased at 1. He had turned himself over on his stomach, thrown his arm outside of the crib, and was hugging the crib bumper. Despite my coaching, Jay does not like to turn over on his stomach during playtime. It cracked me up to see him showing me up by turning over when he felt like it. And it was so cute to see him cuddling! It was, however, not a "Kodak moment" at 1 a.m.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I, like everyone else, can't wait. Holidays are so hopeful, even though the reality can sometimes be that they are also expensive and trying due to all the demands we place on ourselves to have the perfect Thanksgiving and Christmas.
As my husband will attest, I am incredibly nostalgic and always love talking about favorite memories. Here are some favorites:
1. My little sister as a preschooler repeating bathroom humor at the Thanksgiving table (and my grandparents being oblivious to what was so funny).
2. My Nanny's chocolate layer cakes, dressing, English peas, and sweet tea.
3. Seeing MaMaw and Pop at the head of the table for every holiday meal.
4. A-train meeting my family the day after my Pop's funeral. It helped.
5. The Savannah Truck Stop. Home to many pre-Thanksgiving and Christmas meals as we were en route. For you, Mom!
6. Kabula lights. For Dad.
7. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. It's not American if you don't love and identify with that movie.
8. My first Thanksgiving as a "married lady" where I made real dressing, roasted the Turkey, and showed my mad hostess skills. And used my "good" china.
9. Huddling with my sister in our beds as kids, waiting for our parents to wake up so we could go see what Santa left us. For Aunt Nat: Snugglebunnies!
10. This year, and all the sweetness that Jay will bring to our family!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Weekend Trip to Atlanta!
The pictures tell the story of the weekend. We left home Friday at noon with a brief stop to show AJ our house progress. We arrived in Atlanta only to discover that we had left our hanging clothes at home. We took Alex's grandma with us and her clothes FILLED the trunk! So we hit Kohls (oh, darn). Unfortunately, my car keeps having the same problem which we last fixed 6 months ago and it's popped up again. We've already fixed it before, so it's time to bit the bullet and think about a replacement, which is not great with all that's going on right now. However, we really could do a one car situation if we had to for a period of time. But A-train's scouring the web and paper ads so I'm sure we'll figure out something before the poor boy develops an ulcer. Thankfully, we just learned that his old employer let go the other agent in his company. Alex's position wasn't filled when he left. We could conceivably be a one income family without the income if we had not taken the job in Middle Georgia. This is a clear intervention of the Lord's provision in our lives and we are so thankful.
Anyway, Grandma, Aunt K and Dee enjoyed the Ladies Dinner. It was probably the best I've been to in terms of enjoyment. Kathy Tricolli was the entertainment and she was fantastic. Funny, genuine, and an wonderful talent. Lots of sniffling around the room!
We ran around Saturday running errands in the "big city" and seeing friends. Jay did fantastic considering he only took catnaps in the car and saw so many faces! When we returned home Saturday, I was so thankful for the simplicity of being home.
P.S. The decorated tables were noticeably scaled back. A centerpiece height restriction was enforced on the hostesses. There is this petite lady with a clipboard that monitors the tables as they are put together. Last year, she made a friend of my mine take down here centerpiece during the presentation. They don't kid around in the Baptist church! The tables were still beautiful this year.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Bless Her Heart...
Not much to report today. However, Jay slept in until 8 and so did I! We will be travelling up to Atlanta tomorrow to see family and for me to attend a ladies dinner at my old church. Every year the church hosts a Holiday Decorating Fair. A hostess decorates the table with her holiday china and selects a thematic centerpiece. It's always great fun, and let's be honest. Women, particularly "church ladies", are genteel-ly competitive. As in, "While I recreated the Winter Wonderland tablescape seen in Martha Stewart Living December 2008 issue, she chose a more home-y, mix and match theme. Bless her heart." As Dana Carvey via the Church Lady would say, "Well, isn't that SPECIAL!" Ladies, am I right?
Really, I do love church and church friends. But I've gotta be honest! :)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Storing it up...
Today we went to MOPS. First off, my preparation for these monthly meetings has drastically changed, which I find humorous. First month, I was up early, showered, feed and bathed Jay, makeup, wardrobe decisions, out the door in plenty of time. Month two: popped the casserole in the oven for the meeting (which I had prepped the night before, no less), and continued the pendulum swing of baby-mommy prep. This month?
After feeding Jay around 5:30 (he's sleeping beautifully without interruption, but I'm still holding out for at 10-7 sleepfest), I burrowed back in bed and A-train, to his credit, hung out with Jay as he prepared for work. Jay was back in bed with me for a feeding/mini-snooze when we finally began the day in earnest at 8 a.m. The meeting begins at 9:15, but since I now live in Middle Georgia, the commute of 10 minutes is nothing.
While Jay and I were well attired (well being him in an adorable hoodie jumper, me in jeans and a sweater that only had a few spit-up & coffee stains), no baths this morning! We made it in plenty of time and I really enjoyed myself.
I even saw another lady from my Sunday School at the meeting, which makes 4 of us that attend MOPS and my church! These women will be in the Thursday a.m. bible study that starts back up in January, which I plan on attending. Slow and steady makes the friend :).
Today as I was burping Jay, who has been going through some growing pains (i.e gas & constipation), he put his head on my shoulder and I said aloud, "This is going in my memory bank." An older friend told me that when she had her second child, she consciously paused to enjoy those first moments with her baby, as he would be her last. Even though I probably should write more in his baby book and have yet to paste in his ID tags and photos, I'm trying to heed the advice of this mom. These simple, ordinary moments really are so fleeting and cannot be duplicated. So I'm enjoying them!
After feeding Jay around 5:30 (he's sleeping beautifully without interruption, but I'm still holding out for at 10-7 sleepfest), I burrowed back in bed and A-train, to his credit, hung out with Jay as he prepared for work. Jay was back in bed with me for a feeding/mini-snooze when we finally began the day in earnest at 8 a.m. The meeting begins at 9:15, but since I now live in Middle Georgia, the commute of 10 minutes is nothing.
While Jay and I were well attired (well being him in an adorable hoodie jumper, me in jeans and a sweater that only had a few spit-up & coffee stains), no baths this morning! We made it in plenty of time and I really enjoyed myself.
I even saw another lady from my Sunday School at the meeting, which makes 4 of us that attend MOPS and my church! These women will be in the Thursday a.m. bible study that starts back up in January, which I plan on attending. Slow and steady makes the friend :).
Today as I was burping Jay, who has been going through some growing pains (i.e gas & constipation), he put his head on my shoulder and I said aloud, "This is going in my memory bank." An older friend told me that when she had her second child, she consciously paused to enjoy those first moments with her baby, as he would be her last. Even though I probably should write more in his baby book and have yet to paste in his ID tags and photos, I'm trying to heed the advice of this mom. These simple, ordinary moments really are so fleeting and cannot be duplicated. So I'm enjoying them!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wardrobe Malfunction
Allow me a few moments to wallow...
As I have transitioned from working life to home life, my wardrobe needs have changed. Jeans, khakis and simple tops are all I require most days. However, I am in a weird stage of finding clothes that fit. I have many, many articles of clothing, but precious few it seems that fit well or make me feel put together. I have a few very nice pieces, but they are not day-to-day wear. I can squeeze in to my old favorites, but I have work to do if I dare wear them out of the house. I'm a little too old for belly shirts and hiphuggers. Which is what most of my former wardrobe feels like. I have so many modest tops that don't seem to amply cover my mid-section anymore.
Of my hang-ups, body image is thankfully not one of them. I am okay in my skin even after the great changes it has undergone. I'm even happy with my weight, which is not too far from my starting range pre-pregnancy. It is time to accept that while I am still youthful and young, I can't expect to do whatever I please and look and feel good. My midsection will forever be altered and that is a good thing. My body did something incredible! However, I can take pride in my new body by strengthening it and dressing it properly.
Which bring me back to my original dilemma. Clothing. Most specifically, pants. While my shirts may creep up occasionally, my pant situation drives me crazy. I am between two sizes right now. I can either wear pants that do fit but accentuate my rear, or pants that sit well in the seat, but the in-seam seems to be around my knees. Does anyone else out there have this problem? I have these pants in a larger size, but the in-seam is so LONG! So I'm always pullin' up my drawers. Ughhh. Stacy and Clinton, come rescue me. (Readers: Do you ever think that if makeover gurus can take a "hot mess" and make them look amazing, what could they do with someone who passes for decent???)
Don't cry for me, dear readership. I got a haircut and my eyebrows cleaned up. It ain't that bad.
Sleep update: 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Baby had gas at 2:00 and 4:30. He whimpered briefly and went right back down. Feed at 5:30 when I saw a pattern developing. Up again at 7.
House update: We drove down tonight and saw the roof trusses going in.
In summary, life is great. Unspeakable joy abounds in the form of my son. I have a wonderful husband who really loves me, hang-ups and all. I have life everlasting and all the best life has to offer.
Except pants that fit!
As I have transitioned from working life to home life, my wardrobe needs have changed. Jeans, khakis and simple tops are all I require most days. However, I am in a weird stage of finding clothes that fit. I have many, many articles of clothing, but precious few it seems that fit well or make me feel put together. I have a few very nice pieces, but they are not day-to-day wear. I can squeeze in to my old favorites, but I have work to do if I dare wear them out of the house. I'm a little too old for belly shirts and hiphuggers. Which is what most of my former wardrobe feels like. I have so many modest tops that don't seem to amply cover my mid-section anymore.
Of my hang-ups, body image is thankfully not one of them. I am okay in my skin even after the great changes it has undergone. I'm even happy with my weight, which is not too far from my starting range pre-pregnancy. It is time to accept that while I am still youthful and young, I can't expect to do whatever I please and look and feel good. My midsection will forever be altered and that is a good thing. My body did something incredible! However, I can take pride in my new body by strengthening it and dressing it properly.
Which bring me back to my original dilemma. Clothing. Most specifically, pants. While my shirts may creep up occasionally, my pant situation drives me crazy. I am between two sizes right now. I can either wear pants that do fit but accentuate my rear, or pants that sit well in the seat, but the in-seam seems to be around my knees. Does anyone else out there have this problem? I have these pants in a larger size, but the in-seam is so LONG! So I'm always pullin' up my drawers. Ughhh. Stacy and Clinton, come rescue me. (Readers: Do you ever think that if makeover gurus can take a "hot mess" and make them look amazing, what could they do with someone who passes for decent???)
Don't cry for me, dear readership. I got a haircut and my eyebrows cleaned up. It ain't that bad.
Sleep update: 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Baby had gas at 2:00 and 4:30. He whimpered briefly and went right back down. Feed at 5:30 when I saw a pattern developing. Up again at 7.
House update: We drove down tonight and saw the roof trusses going in.
In summary, life is great. Unspeakable joy abounds in the form of my son. I have a wonderful husband who really loves me, hang-ups and all. I have life everlasting and all the best life has to offer.
Except pants that fit!
Friday, November 14, 2008
6 Months
Jay reached his 6 month milestone yesterday. Here are some sweet, fleeting memories I don't want to forget.
Jay's face. Especially his sweet mouth, chin, and cheeks. No picture can capture how perfect it is to me.
Jay's smile. How he can just give me a huge grin. He loves to bounce, "fly" on my knees, roll around with me.
When Jay places his head on my shoulder when he's tired or not feeling well.
The feeling of being able to "fix" his problems for a short time. Being his little world for such a brief window of time.
Jay laughing at me and my trying to keep him laughing.
So, dear readership, what are your favorites? Please share your favorite memories of the children in your life.
Jay's face. Especially his sweet mouth, chin, and cheeks. No picture can capture how perfect it is to me.
Jay's smile. How he can just give me a huge grin. He loves to bounce, "fly" on my knees, roll around with me.
When Jay places his head on my shoulder when he's tired or not feeling well.
The feeling of being able to "fix" his problems for a short time. Being his little world for such a brief window of time.
Jay laughing at me and my trying to keep him laughing.
So, dear readership, what are your favorites? Please share your favorite memories of the children in your life.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Sleep Update, Day 7
Best report to date:
Jay was down from 9 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. WITHOUT stirring once! He even slept through a late night feeding. I know I can't expect uninterrupted sleep for the next 18 years, but this is a mini-milestone in my book.
Now, I awoke at 3 a.m., perhaps to due to drinking some half-caf coffee before bed or anticipating Jay's waking up. I slept restlessly from this point on. It's always somethin', right?
House update: The first floor has been framed! I don't think I will actually comprehend that we will be living in a new house of our own until I'm there. And when we are really, really on the beans-and-rice-rice-and-beans lifestyle with a mortgage payment! But it'll be worth it. I'm actually doing some low-key menu planning now and have a set "grocery day" so our pantry isn't so hit-or-miss.
Now, off to the dishes...
Jay was down from 9 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. WITHOUT stirring once! He even slept through a late night feeding. I know I can't expect uninterrupted sleep for the next 18 years, but this is a mini-milestone in my book.
Now, I awoke at 3 a.m., perhaps to due to drinking some half-caf coffee before bed or anticipating Jay's waking up. I slept restlessly from this point on. It's always somethin', right?
House update: The first floor has been framed! I don't think I will actually comprehend that we will be living in a new house of our own until I'm there. And when we are really, really on the beans-and-rice-rice-and-beans lifestyle with a mortgage payment! But it'll be worth it. I'm actually doing some low-key menu planning now and have a set "grocery day" so our pantry isn't so hit-or-miss.
Now, off to the dishes...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sleep Update, Day 6
Jay stirred and fussed at 1 a.m., but was sleeping solidly until 7 a.m. today. A-train went to pick him up and he was playing in his crib. Yea!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sleep Update, Day 5
Jay slept from 11 to 7 without waking up once! He stirred once before eleven, but that's it! Eight hours of continuous sleep. Even A-train was a little concerned that the baby hadn't awoken us. He was fine! I woke him up to eat. Here's hoping for a repeat performance.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sleep Update: Weekend Edition
Well, Jay was very ready to sleep on Saturday and Sunday night, but he was having serious abdominal pain. The little one's system was overloaded after being introduced to apple & banana baby food on top of rice cereal and his usual milk. We had to leave Sunday School early because he was having fits. Of course, he gives the nursery worker a huge smile once he's in Dad's arms.
Life has truly come full circle. My own parents have told me umpteen times about having to give me a glycerin stick you-know-where to encourage me to "cleanse my system". So, what do I reach for at CVS? You got it. I giggled at first, but now I can handle a suppository with the best of 'em! We had a little progress Sunday, but Jay didn't feel better until this afternoon. I'm really hoping it's smooth sailing tonight. I feel kinda weak and lethargic from so many times up and down last night. He honestly just woke up discomforted and feel back asleep quickly.
As for more things I didn't anticipate doing in the name of motherhood, I am making calls to schedule appointments for a financial advisor I meet in MOPS. Now it is not cold-calling, but I really have to dig my heels in to make these calls. I really understand that no one wants to be interrupted at home after a long day. I'm getting better and trying to talk very slowly. Also on the makin'-the-money-for-my-baby-and-home front, I got a response from the lead with the proofreading job. We will talk next week. This kind of work is right up my alley. Just me, my computer, and lots of grammar to correct!
Night night!
Life has truly come full circle. My own parents have told me umpteen times about having to give me a glycerin stick you-know-where to encourage me to "cleanse my system". So, what do I reach for at CVS? You got it. I giggled at first, but now I can handle a suppository with the best of 'em! We had a little progress Sunday, but Jay didn't feel better until this afternoon. I'm really hoping it's smooth sailing tonight. I feel kinda weak and lethargic from so many times up and down last night. He honestly just woke up discomforted and feel back asleep quickly.
As for more things I didn't anticipate doing in the name of motherhood, I am making calls to schedule appointments for a financial advisor I meet in MOPS. Now it is not cold-calling, but I really have to dig my heels in to make these calls. I really understand that no one wants to be interrupted at home after a long day. I'm getting better and trying to talk very slowly. Also on the makin'-the-money-for-my-baby-and-home front, I got a response from the lead with the proofreading job. We will talk next week. This kind of work is right up my alley. Just me, my computer, and lots of grammar to correct!
Night night!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Sleep Update, Day 2
Another step closer to uninterrupted sleep. Jay was down from 9:00 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. After two rounds of crying-waiting-comforting-crying, he went back to sleep. And I awoke at 7:00 a.m. wondering if we had slept in. It was great to wake up to the sunlight and not crying.
Naps are going better too. He fusses a bit, but is learning to put himself to sleep. With all his squirming, he usually ends up with his head facing the side rails and his feet toward the back of his bed.
All in all, success!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Sleep Update
Jay was so sleepy last night that he wasn't interested in his last feeding at 10 p.m. He briefly stirred at 11 and 4:30 and then awoke at 5:15 a.m. I feed and changed him and he put himself to sleep for about another hour. We slept almost 6 consecutive hours!
Maybe it's working!
Maybe it's working!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Doctor's visit and a new label
Question: If I think of Facebook status updates when I am engaged in ordinary activities, does this make me an Internet addict? Jaybird is... unsure.
Our main activity this week has been to the pediatrician to see if the reflux medicine is working for Jay. In my zeal not to over-medicate my firstborn, I was giving him .2 ML of medicine instead of the 2 ML he was prescribed. Oops. Pay attention to decimals, kids. The doctor prescribed kiddie Prevacid because Jay is still experiencing a good bit of irritation due to his reflux. The good news is that he now weighs over 17 pounds! This means he has doubled his birth weight and we can really get going on more solid food.
As to labels: Jay could be dubbed a TRAINED NIGHTTIME CRIER. Dum, Dum, Dum. How could a conscientious young mother allow this to happen??? When Jay was around 3 months, I enacted the "cry it out" method to help him break the habit of waking up and demanding food. I would let him cry for 10 minutes, comfort him, leave, and repeat. If it didn't work, he'd eat. After about a week, he was sleeping through the night fairly regularly. This lasted almost a month.
For the last two months, I have been comforting Jay with feeding and/or rocking due to many variables. Growth spurt. Wet himself. Trapped gas. Spit up. Plain mad.
This has caused what my doctor dubbed his "mommy fix". Thus, we begin the journey to Jay's becoming a TRAINED NIGHTTIME SLEEPER. Which means I sit and watch the clock while he whimpers and wails. I was up twice around 1:00 a.m. last night. He faked me out and fell into a light sleep only to change his mind a few minutes later. However, I did not rock or feed the little one. When he awoke again around 5:30, I had no more fight in me. Thankfully, he was down again to 7. All this is to say that I made myself a "comfort prop" for my baby. Brazen woman. Can you imagine?
As you can see, I'm in the throes of follow-the-rulebook vs. live your life while meeting your child's needs. I know there is a happy medium.
On the positive side, Jay is just a mess of energy, smiles, and joy. I have a lead on some proofreading work from home and also began making some calls for a woman I meet through MOPS. If I pick up the proofreading job, I would have 3 little quarter-time jobs. I find this both amusing and a source of pride. If you ever watched "In Living Color" way back when, you'll know the skit that I'm relating too. I'm off to my 72nd job...
That's all the minutiae that's fit to print.
Sweet Dreams!
Our main activity this week has been to the pediatrician to see if the reflux medicine is working for Jay. In my zeal not to over-medicate my firstborn, I was giving him .2 ML of medicine instead of the 2 ML he was prescribed. Oops. Pay attention to decimals, kids. The doctor prescribed kiddie Prevacid because Jay is still experiencing a good bit of irritation due to his reflux. The good news is that he now weighs over 17 pounds! This means he has doubled his birth weight and we can really get going on more solid food.
As to labels: Jay could be dubbed a TRAINED NIGHTTIME CRIER. Dum, Dum, Dum. How could a conscientious young mother allow this to happen??? When Jay was around 3 months, I enacted the "cry it out" method to help him break the habit of waking up and demanding food. I would let him cry for 10 minutes, comfort him, leave, and repeat. If it didn't work, he'd eat. After about a week, he was sleeping through the night fairly regularly. This lasted almost a month.
For the last two months, I have been comforting Jay with feeding and/or rocking due to many variables. Growth spurt. Wet himself. Trapped gas. Spit up. Plain mad.
This has caused what my doctor dubbed his "mommy fix". Thus, we begin the journey to Jay's becoming a TRAINED NIGHTTIME SLEEPER. Which means I sit and watch the clock while he whimpers and wails. I was up twice around 1:00 a.m. last night. He faked me out and fell into a light sleep only to change his mind a few minutes later. However, I did not rock or feed the little one. When he awoke again around 5:30, I had no more fight in me. Thankfully, he was down again to 7. All this is to say that I made myself a "comfort prop" for my baby. Brazen woman. Can you imagine?
As you can see, I'm in the throes of follow-the-rulebook vs. live your life while meeting your child's needs. I know there is a happy medium.
On the positive side, Jay is just a mess of energy, smiles, and joy. I have a lead on some proofreading work from home and also began making some calls for a woman I meet through MOPS. If I pick up the proofreading job, I would have 3 little quarter-time jobs. I find this both amusing and a source of pride. If you ever watched "In Living Color" way back when, you'll know the skit that I'm relating too. I'm off to my 72nd job...
That's all the minutiae that's fit to print.
Sweet Dreams!
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