Here's a recap of what's been going on in our day-to-day lives:
1. IT'S A GIRL!!! We are naming her Sarah Anne. I have misplaced the sonogram pictures after faithfully carrying them to show our family over Labor Day. Maybe they'll show up when I pack our bags again.
2. We went to Hilton Head over Labor Day. We stayed in a beautiful house with an amazing view. My favorite part was getting to tear through the latest Mary Kay Andrews book, The Fixer Upper, while sitting on the patio overlooking the water.
3. Jay spiked a fever the Sunday we were there. We didn't have a thermometer with us, and when Alex found one (around 4 a.m. at the only open drug store), his temperature had broken. I didn't get to take a family picture on the beach due to sickness; maybe we'll get one at Christmas.
4. Jay is FINALLY starting to walk! I will post a video soon. He still would rather crawl for speed, but he's getting it. Note to self: put real shoes on baby Sarah sooner than we did for Jay.
5. Jay is HUGE! He is in the 90 percentile for height to weight! And his head is in the 97 percentile. Which kind of scared me, but I think "big heads" run in the family. The doc felt it was in line with his growth, so I won't worry.
6. We are going to NYC this weekend!!!!! Jay is staying with my parents and will probably be able to recite the Gettysburg Address when he returns. I will miss him so much. Please say a little prayer that he won't be fearful and confused without Mama and Daddy for a week.
7. It's fall and that means fun like the Georgia National Fair, Harvest Festivals, and general autumnal merriment.
Duty calls, so I'm off.
I promise to take lots of pictures in NYC and have a totally fantabulous time!