Tuesday, January 13, 2015

It's a Tricky Business These Days...

Pants.  I'm gonna talk about my pants now.  (Remember that Five Iron Frenzy song, early 2000s listeners of Christian ska?)

So, lots of bloggers have lamented the decline of women's pants and make leggings the object of scorn and derision for Ladies Who Carpool and/or Exercise Over the Age of 18.

There's this:

And this:

Well, there were A LOT of leggings this Sunday at my place of worship... so much so that I wanted to text another "Are They Pants?" Enthusiast to discuss.  I have no pants-stones to throw as I own two pairs of  jeggings (though actual denim) and one pair of leggings that I wear in public.

My own legging/jegging philosophy is that they are best to wear with a dress or mini-dress or a looong tunic that does the high-low number with a few good inches draping below your private business.

Which brings me to my newest clothing finds:

 d.jeans Sexy High Waist Jean

I got these today at TJMaxx for $17 and they are both skinny and high waisted in the best sense.  These are the jeans for any woman who does not have a 26.2 sticker on her vehicle but still wants to wear her tall boots without forsaking brownies or modesty.  I'm very excited.  They are super comfortable.

Also, I found some NYDJ (Not Your Daughter's Jeans) in a skinny cut.  The ankle is not quite skinny enough for a tall boot, but they fit very nicely if you like a natural waist style. I believe they go up to size 16.   They retail for a bit more (around the $100 mark) so I decided to go ahead and get them for $40 at TJMaxx.  I wear jeans almost everyday, and even though it makes me worry that my fashion sense has not evolved enough, it's what I like to wear most days.  I have another pair in this brand in a soft trouser pant style and I've heard good things about their jeans, so I think I'll be pleased.

NYDJ Samantha Skinny (Mine are last season so these are the closest to what I got)

I hope these finds bless you on your quest for pants-that-are-pants-you-can-wear-with-cute-shoes-and-breezy-blouses.  Praise the Lord and pass the Lycra reinforcement.

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