I was in the mood for some feel good 70s music today as I was spring cleaning and I discovered something. Two of my favorite power ballads from the 90s are actually 70s originals. I knew they were remakes, but didn't know the belonged to that wild and wacky decade. Thus, I feel the need to tally:
You're The Inspiration (When You Love Somebody) by Chicago: This is nothing more than a feel- good-about-life kind of song. No unrequited love, no heartbreak. Just--You. You're it. It can be applied to any kind of love and its the kind of song that means more the older you get. I like to do the drum riffs and echo back ("when you love some-bo-DAY!")
Without You by Mariah Carey
"No, I. Can't forget this evenin'...." You know a song brings the drama when it begins with a sigh. I have a feeling any little girl who got a karoke machine for Christmas 1992 (not to get too specific or anything) may have this one in her repertoire of "Love Gone Wrong."
All By Myself by Celine Dion
Like many other teenaged girls of the mid-90s, I discovered this song from Clueless as Cher walks down the stairs to her pool and realizes, duh, she loves Josh. I love the theatrics of the song, especially when it gets whispery as sung by Celine. You just gotta give yourself a chest bump and bring the magic in honor Ms. Dion.
Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me by Gladys Knight
This song, now, makes me think of my kids. It may or may not be the line I'll inscribe in the forward of my (almost) imaginary memoir. It's soulful and honest: "If anyone/should ever write/my life story/for whatever reason there might be/you'll be there/ in each line of pain and glory/'cause your the best thing that ever happened to me."
I Dreamed a Dream-- Glee Cast Featuring Lea Michele and Idina Menzel
This song struck a chord with me before I'd seen the musical and knew the larger context of the story. In this version, the actresses are telling the narrative of the story from the perspective of a mother who has given up her daughter and the daughter who wants to be a part of her life, but it's too late. Idina Menzel sings the part of heartbreak, and Lea Michele sings the hopeful lines. It's soaring ballad that makes you feel as though you too have been abandoned in revolutionary France. Definitely one to belt out in the shower.
One Day More & Bring Him Home-- From Les Miserables Live 2010 Cast Album
Basically, I wish I could sing every part in this musical. One Day More has to be (if I had to choose) my stand-alone favorite song. Everything is in the song: separating lovers, duty to a cause, choosing one's destiny; it's all there. "One More Dawn, One More Day, One Day More." It's almost a life philosophy. I love it and like to imagine it's playing somewhere in heaven.
Bring Him Home is about a father's love and the raw emotion and truth in it will bring the hardest cynic to tears. The song starts out gently, as a prayer and builds to a plea to exchange one life for another. If this is not downloaded to your device of choice, I implore you. Give it a listen and rectify the situation. Humanity demands it of you.
What have I forgotten? I know I've left off Whitney, and she's one of the best for power ballads. Let me hear from you!
(Sorry if this gif is giving you a seizure. Celine's brilliance is overpowering.)
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Spring (Re)Discoveries
I've managed to find the will to blog even though DA is finished for the year. Here are a few things that are making me happy lately:
1. Scrap booking: I don't do many of the traditional womanly arts well, but I can slap a few pictures on pretty paper and write down everything I remember about the captured moments. I have my feet in both the digital and tactile world of memory preservation, and I think both are important. I just discovered chatbooks, a subscription based company that takes your Instagram pictures into a 4 x 4 bound book for only $6 a book. Each time you reach 60 pictures, you receive a book. Shipping is included and there's practically no work involved. You pick the cover picture, delete any pictures you'd don't want printed, and that's it. I'm uploading any impromptu pictures I take from my phone to Instragram now so I can keep a running record of our day to today. Making anything with your hands is therapeutic for the mind and body and there is a sense of completion in the product. I started scrapbooking after college as a hobby (when I wasn't at church, teaching or the library) because I was a social butterfly and well, a bit of a premature Memaw. So be it. I opened up that scrapbook and giggled at the subject matter: a page on my sister, my Mom, and weekend trips I made down the GA-SC coast. Clearly, I was sweater-set wearing, bible-study-going, non-dating wild child at the time. (Not that there's anything wrong with that. At all.) Anyhoo. That's my early twenties and it makes me thankful that I kept to the straight and narrow, even though it makes for sedate reminiscences. I made a scrapbook for each child and every so often add a page. Since I don't do it on a regular basis, I'm just trying to get each year of their life documented with some major life event represented. I've got most our Christmases and birthdays present and accounted for so that one day when I'm gone, maybe they'll be glad their old Mama took the time to preserve their childhood. I can hope.
2. Dave Barnes: I recently found this singer-songwriter through some (wait for it) blogs I follow--shocker! He has a new EP out called Hymns for Her and it sounds like a perfect soundtrack for springtime in the South. It's upbeat and has a toe-tappin' love song ("Good Day for Marryin' You) and a beautiful instrumental ("Mississippi"). You can find him on Spotify or Pandora or just plunk down $6.99 for the EP. Worth the listen.
3. Bird by Bird by Anne Lamont: I've heard this author's name several times and I checked out her book on writing. She's a novelist and memoirist and this book is very approachable. I'm about a third of the way through the book and the best nugget I'm picked out is that with any discipline, in this case writing, you commit to practicing the discipline daily and the greatest reward will and has to be the discipline itself. Writers write to write. Painters paint to paint. Publication or recognition may come in time, but this is not the ultimate goal or satisfaction of the process. It is self-expression. It's doing the work consistently over time that reaps benefits. This is kinda a "no duh" sentiment but as my husband always is quick to remind me, most things in life aren't HARD to understand, but hard to carry out.
I'm so happy it's warm this week that I pulled out a short-sleeved shirt and skirt and it's heavenly not to be bundled in jeans and a hoodie. I'm feelin' all kinds of sassy that I dressed like a human that functions in the world even if it was to run to the grocery store. That's all I got. Hope you're enjoying the early signs of Spring!
1. Scrap booking: I don't do many of the traditional womanly arts well, but I can slap a few pictures on pretty paper and write down everything I remember about the captured moments. I have my feet in both the digital and tactile world of memory preservation, and I think both are important. I just discovered chatbooks, a subscription based company that takes your Instagram pictures into a 4 x 4 bound book for only $6 a book. Each time you reach 60 pictures, you receive a book. Shipping is included and there's practically no work involved. You pick the cover picture, delete any pictures you'd don't want printed, and that's it. I'm uploading any impromptu pictures I take from my phone to Instragram now so I can keep a running record of our day to today. Making anything with your hands is therapeutic for the mind and body and there is a sense of completion in the product. I started scrapbooking after college as a hobby (when I wasn't at church, teaching or the library) because I was a social butterfly and well, a bit of a premature Memaw. So be it. I opened up that scrapbook and giggled at the subject matter: a page on my sister, my Mom, and weekend trips I made down the GA-SC coast. Clearly, I was sweater-set wearing, bible-study-going, non-dating wild child at the time. (Not that there's anything wrong with that. At all.) Anyhoo. That's my early twenties and it makes me thankful that I kept to the straight and narrow, even though it makes for sedate reminiscences. I made a scrapbook for each child and every so often add a page. Since I don't do it on a regular basis, I'm just trying to get each year of their life documented with some major life event represented. I've got most our Christmases and birthdays present and accounted for so that one day when I'm gone, maybe they'll be glad their old Mama took the time to preserve their childhood. I can hope.
2. Dave Barnes: I recently found this singer-songwriter through some (wait for it) blogs I follow--shocker! He has a new EP out called Hymns for Her and it sounds like a perfect soundtrack for springtime in the South. It's upbeat and has a toe-tappin' love song ("Good Day for Marryin' You) and a beautiful instrumental ("Mississippi"). You can find him on Spotify or Pandora or just plunk down $6.99 for the EP. Worth the listen.
3. Bird by Bird by Anne Lamont: I've heard this author's name several times and I checked out her book on writing. She's a novelist and memoirist and this book is very approachable. I'm about a third of the way through the book and the best nugget I'm picked out is that with any discipline, in this case writing, you commit to practicing the discipline daily and the greatest reward will and has to be the discipline itself. Writers write to write. Painters paint to paint. Publication or recognition may come in time, but this is not the ultimate goal or satisfaction of the process. It is self-expression. It's doing the work consistently over time that reaps benefits. This is kinda a "no duh" sentiment but as my husband always is quick to remind me, most things in life aren't HARD to understand, but hard to carry out.
I'm so happy it's warm this week that I pulled out a short-sleeved shirt and skirt and it's heavenly not to be bundled in jeans and a hoodie. I'm feelin' all kinds of sassy that I dressed like a human that functions in the world even if it was to run to the grocery store. That's all I got. Hope you're enjoying the early signs of Spring!
A photo posted by Melissa Young (@thejaybirdblog) on
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Downton Abbey: Finale Live Stream-of-Consciousness Tweet/Blog/Passing Thoughts
Here we go!
* Thomas: Meow. To Mr. Bates, offering to cut off his right arm if it would help Anna: "We can't have you wobbly at both ends."
* I have to say I'm impressed at how Robert has mellowed. He's at peace with Edith's decision to bring her child home and allowing her to do it on her own terms.
* Love Cora's hat on the train.
* Uh-oh. Robert has unexpected pain. This doesn't bode well. Especially since his dog was sick too. Downton Abbey country song, perhaps?
* The silk wallpaper is fab at Atticus' family home.
* Ooh. This valet is giving Thomas a dressing down. He's actually sticking up for Tom.
* Violet's reuniting the Prince and Princess. Awkward.
* Gauntlet thrown on the restorative broths. Simmer down, Spratt.
* Atticus' mom, Lady Sinderby, is a class act befriending Tom.
* Anna's confession. Ugh. Childhood victimization. I'm surprised Anna doesn't wear an actual halo over her softly lit, tragic countenance. She's a fighter.
* Mrs. Hughes and Carson's date/investment property outing :)
* First Violetism of the Night: "The presence of strangers is our only guarantee of good behavior."
* Upstairs-Downstairs intrigue to take the butler down a peg! Don't mess the Crawleys. #teamchauffer
* Well, the Princess is a peach.
* Dowagers! Russian Princesses! Let's get ready to ruuuuuuumble!
* Mrs. Patamore is a doll and I love how she puts Carson in his place like a little boy when she has the remaining staff, even the kitchen maid, Daisy, sit at the same table.
* The scheme to embarrass the butler goes awry and embarrasses everyone.
* "So tomorrow we say goodbye..." Wouldn't it be awesome if Violet and the Prince broke out into "Summer Lovin'" in some alternative universe?
* "This was my last immoral proposition from a man. Was I wrong to savor it?" Mild laughter with misty eyes. Master class delivery.
* Robert has chest pain. NO MORE DEATH SCENES!
* Edith should wear her hair down more. It's pretty with curls.
* Edith wanting a FATHER's FORGIVENESS. That's a powerful thing. Downton is deep.
* Kitchen intrigue! Sneaking in a broth! So many plots to keep track of!
* Classic Mary romance set-up... Aggravated at the neighbor set to come over for the shoot, upsetting the party count. From the previews, he's our new Charles Blake. Hottie-Boom-Body Part Deux. (Oh, y'all. And he has piercing blue eyes. And Edith's talking to the estate's agent! It's rainin' men. Halleluyer.)
* Have I mentioned I love Mrs. Hughes? Caring for her sister and not able to retire? "I've enjoyed our little dream." Please, Carson. Snatch her up.
* Oh my word. Does Lord Sinderby have a second, secret family? Downton bringin' the hushed scandal. (Yes. The little boy is named Daniel after Lord Sinderby. Lovely Rose saves the day.) Stop it with the children not knowing who their parents are. For real. Live in the light.
* Edith in coral! Gorgeous! Get 'em girl!
* Bates makes a false confession. Molesly going to save the day. Reminds me of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. This is his moment.
* Mr. Talbert, you've piqued Mary's interest. And then he jumps in the car, James Dean style. Charles Who? (We'll always have your hair, Charles.)
* Little poppets decorating the Christmas tree. Wish we could watch DA when it airs in England.
* Baxter and Molesly: Crime Solvers! Like an English "Hart & Hart" episode.
* They having a moment for Sybil. Sweet to see Mary and Edith putting aside rancor for a millisecond.
* Ooh, Daisy giggling at the new footman. Cheeky.
* Violet and Isobel girl-talking about their loves-gone-wrong. (Robert's sloshed).
* That Tom. *He's* a jolly good fellow.
* It's the Sweeney (Crawley) Sisters! Clang-clang-clang went the trolley!
* GALLANT gesture alert. Carson bought Mrs. Hughes a house. NO WAY! HE IS DECLARING HIMSELF!!!!!!!! She's smiling! I can't handle it! "Of course I'll marry you!!!!!!!!"
Hurrah for taking chances!
* Robert's gonna cry. God bless us, everyone.
* No. Bates walks through the door at "O Come Let Us Adore Him." Christmas miracle: Check!
*Reunited and it feels so good! Anna + Bates = Happy Christmas
To continue with the faux British-isms, I'm knackered. Pure wish fulfillment. Jolly good fun and see you in 2016, DA friends!
A photo posted by Melissa Young (@thejaybirdblog) on
* Thomas: Meow. To Mr. Bates, offering to cut off his right arm if it would help Anna: "We can't have you wobbly at both ends."
* I have to say I'm impressed at how Robert has mellowed. He's at peace with Edith's decision to bring her child home and allowing her to do it on her own terms.
* Love Cora's hat on the train.
* Uh-oh. Robert has unexpected pain. This doesn't bode well. Especially since his dog was sick too. Downton Abbey country song, perhaps?
* The silk wallpaper is fab at Atticus' family home.
* Ooh. This valet is giving Thomas a dressing down. He's actually sticking up for Tom.
* Violet's reuniting the Prince and Princess. Awkward.
* Gauntlet thrown on the restorative broths. Simmer down, Spratt.
* Atticus' mom, Lady Sinderby, is a class act befriending Tom.
* Anna's confession. Ugh. Childhood victimization. I'm surprised Anna doesn't wear an actual halo over her softly lit, tragic countenance. She's a fighter.
* Mrs. Hughes and Carson's date/investment property outing :)
* First Violetism of the Night: "The presence of strangers is our only guarantee of good behavior."
* Upstairs-Downstairs intrigue to take the butler down a peg! Don't mess the Crawleys. #teamchauffer
* Well, the Princess is a peach.
* Dowagers! Russian Princesses! Let's get ready to ruuuuuuumble!
* Mrs. Patamore is a doll and I love how she puts Carson in his place like a little boy when she has the remaining staff, even the kitchen maid, Daisy, sit at the same table.
* The scheme to embarrass the butler goes awry and embarrasses everyone.
* "So tomorrow we say goodbye..." Wouldn't it be awesome if Violet and the Prince broke out into "Summer Lovin'" in some alternative universe?
* "This was my last immoral proposition from a man. Was I wrong to savor it?" Mild laughter with misty eyes. Master class delivery.
* Robert has chest pain. NO MORE DEATH SCENES!
* Edith should wear her hair down more. It's pretty with curls.
* Edith wanting a FATHER's FORGIVENESS. That's a powerful thing. Downton is deep.
* Kitchen intrigue! Sneaking in a broth! So many plots to keep track of!
* Classic Mary romance set-up... Aggravated at the neighbor set to come over for the shoot, upsetting the party count. From the previews, he's our new Charles Blake. Hottie-Boom-Body Part Deux. (Oh, y'all. And he has piercing blue eyes. And Edith's talking to the estate's agent! It's rainin' men. Halleluyer.)
* Have I mentioned I love Mrs. Hughes? Caring for her sister and not able to retire? "I've enjoyed our little dream." Please, Carson. Snatch her up.
* Oh my word. Does Lord Sinderby have a second, secret family? Downton bringin' the hushed scandal. (Yes. The little boy is named Daniel after Lord Sinderby. Lovely Rose saves the day.) Stop it with the children not knowing who their parents are. For real. Live in the light.
* Edith in coral! Gorgeous! Get 'em girl!
* Bates makes a false confession. Molesly going to save the day. Reminds me of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. This is his moment.
* Mr. Talbert, you've piqued Mary's interest. And then he jumps in the car, James Dean style. Charles Who? (We'll always have your hair, Charles.)
* Little poppets decorating the Christmas tree. Wish we could watch DA when it airs in England.
* Baxter and Molesly: Crime Solvers! Like an English "Hart & Hart" episode.
* They having a moment for Sybil. Sweet to see Mary and Edith putting aside rancor for a millisecond.
* Ooh, Daisy giggling at the new footman. Cheeky.
* Violet and Isobel girl-talking about their loves-gone-wrong. (Robert's sloshed).
* That Tom. *He's* a jolly good fellow.
* It's the Sweeney (Crawley) Sisters! Clang-clang-clang went the trolley!
* GALLANT gesture alert. Carson bought Mrs. Hughes a house. NO WAY! HE IS DECLARING HIMSELF!!!!!!!! She's smiling! I can't handle it! "Of course I'll marry you!!!!!!!!"
Hurrah for taking chances!
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credit: dailymail.co.uk |
* Robert's gonna cry. God bless us, everyone.
* No. Bates walks through the door at "O Come Let Us Adore Him." Christmas miracle: Check!
*Reunited and it feels so good! Anna + Bates = Happy Christmas
To continue with the faux British-isms, I'm knackered. Pure wish fulfillment. Jolly good fun and see you in 2016, DA friends!
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