Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Poor Neglected Blog...

C'mere, let me pay you some attention.

It's September... I'm driving my taxi (#MinivanMafia) e'ry morning and dropping off Rachel at her 3 morning preschool which is a learning lab at the high school.  She protests daily, but greets me with "Don't look in my bag!  It's a surprise!" when I pick her up.  Sarah and J are doing well and J is even shadowing in Sarah's classroom for 30 minutes at the end of the day.  We're all bopping along, doing dance and choir; we just finished our first long read-aloud of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe  (not without a lot of redirection and silliness) this weekend and watched the movie.  I've got the girls hooked and we've started Prince Caspian.  I'd highly recommend a re-read and/or re-watch of this series.  I caught a few new allusions that delighted me.

It occurs to me that after 9 years of being out the of professional world I have filled my inner life with great books, blogs, podcasts and music as I can't seem to stop myself from recommending a new informational avenue to any live human with whom I get the pleasure of having a conversation.

I'm also jogging (more than once!) and eating like a sensible person.  (Baby steps.)

I'll drop in a few recent favorites to add some substance to this brief missive.

 Outlander by Diana Galbaldon (also a Starz series--adult content warning)

Author  Liane Moriarty who recently released Truly, Madly, Guilty

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend series on CW (season 1 on Netflix-- hilarious genre-bending musical comedy, also adults only)

The Popcast Newsletter (with long read links)

And I'd be remiss not to include this nugget:

Have a good one!

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