Sunday, November 9, 2014

And Then My Head Exploded.

The Season is upon us.  You know the one: Family Picture Season.  I determined in my heart that we were not going to participate because we'd had pictures made last year and I'd kinda promised Alex I'd only make him do that every other year because surprisingly, lounging on a blanket in a field while wearing carefully coordinated attire isn't a dream come true for him.

Well, that inner resolve made it all the way to November 5th.  I innocently inquired about a holiday session at a local farm because we hang out at farms all the time and feels like an accurate representation of our home life.  Plus there is an atmospheric wooden barn and wreaths and why shouldn't we mug for posterity in the great outdoors?

So I like pretty pictures.  Deal with it already, inner conflict.  The straw the broke the no-picture-this-year's-back arrived in the form of beautifully curated holiday outfits for the children with the express purpose of picture taking.  And how can I disappoint family?  I mean, there are sweater vests and velvet bows to be worn.  And matching plaid dresses, might I add.

Now begins the outfit angst for me.  You know, it's all about Mama, right?  I mean, of course it's going to be "darlin' plus" as one of my favorites says because of the kids, but outfitting an adult woman for a family pictures is not easy feat.

I mean, the options.  I have several black and red basics that would work and even a cute print dress.  My sensible side says to wear one of those and call it a day.  My inner Pinner disagrees, because that might be too much print and overwhelm the picture and make it look like I was trying to hard. Say it with me: TOO LATE.

We were out last night and able to stop by the mecca also known as Charming Charlie's where I spent at least 45 mintues debating the merits of the bib necklace versus the hanging chain and it was as world-altering as you might expect.  Then another half hour online window shopping, fretting about the green lace tunic or the gray lace top and the regrettable lack of cream leggings on this particular site.

And Then My Head Exploded.

I miss November 4th.  It was a simpler time.

So Ladies, let me poll you.

1) Black Skirt with Creme Top w/ lace accents that I own?

2) Black and White Wrap dress with red flats that I also own?

3) New Tunic and Leggings Combo that is a minefield of delicate coordination choices?

I need your help. Please let me know I'm not alone in this prison of my mind.


Losing My Mind After Pondering One Too Many Statement Necklace/Tunic/Legging/Boot Combo

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