Tuesday, November 11, 2014

I'm A Swifty Now

We are going to see Taylor Swift in concert next year.  After dinner last night, I was trying to keep the girls from screaming which involves pitching throw pillows at their heads and singing "Shake It Off" while they dance.  When Sarah returns fire and I spill coffee on myself, I have to leave the girls to their own devices (which mainly involves taunting, aggravating, and shrieking) while I change.  "Why won't Alex get off the computer," I grumble to myself as I stomp to my room.  When I get back downstairs, Alex has joined the kids.  "Here," he says, handing me a sheet of paper.  "It's not til next year, and the seats are far up, but I thought you'd like to go."  Turns to out he wasn't avoiding the madness, but searching for presale tickets for the TS 1989 show in Atlanta next fall.  My singing in the next room was the incentive needed to go ahead and plunk the plastic down and commit.

We are going to be like Gary The Stepdad from "Ew!"on the Tonight show among all the screaming tweens.  It shall be epic.  Skip ahead to minute 3 below.  Two things: the Gary dance and the way "Sara" says League of Extraordinary Gentleman.  That's how my toddler pronounces everything.

Anyway, I spent about a good hour after the kids' bedtime studying up on Taylor's music video timeline and learning fun facts such as how she wrote a 350 page novel on vacation as a 12 year old.

I'm a few more hours of research away from taking selfies with "heart hands".

Who else is a secret Swifty?

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