Also, a Christmas recap:
We had a great visit at AJ's with family. Jay was incredibly spoiled and beloved (as he should be!) He really seemed to like the wrapping paper. He received a crib aquarium soother and personalized lullaby CDs from Grandma and Grandpa... which we both love. He also got a white rocking horse from AJ and UL! He will be decked out in UGA wear for a while, too. I was nice to visit and eat, eat, eat. Next year, we may be hosting a Christmas luncheon to give AJ a needed rest from her amazing hospitality.
After a day home to regroup (well, I did laundry and A-train drove to Atlanta to pick up bed rails), we journeyed to see my folks. Again, we were doted on and catered to. Nothing like having a baby for the fringe benefits. It was great to have my sister and brother-in-law with us and just enjoy time together. We watched "War of the Worlds" and played Mental Floss. I'm all about "family time" when we get together. Make it meaningful, people!
Jay received many more wonderful gifts, including his own Red Wagon. Aunt Nat got him a wonderful spinning ball that he loves. And I like Elmo Live the best. I think it was designed for the parent. Elmo breaks it down and does jazz hands. My kind of present.
Thanks to Aunt K and Uncle D and Aunt S and Uncle N for money towards Jay's college fund. Thanks to to J & H for the interactive storybook.
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