Thursday, January 23, 2014

Quiet Play Ideas

I've been given or recommended to a few great educational books and apps that I want to share.

1) Lakeshore Learning Apps  Our ST uses the All About Letters app with Jay.  It works on letter sounds, formation, and memory chants.  Memory chants such as those found in Handwriting without Tears really helped Jay learn to write his letters and numbers in a short time.  We also purchased the Beginning Letter Sounds app from LL.  This company also makes fantastic educational and therapy helps.

2) Dry Erase Alphabet/Number Books  Jay was given two large spiral write-on books to practice his letters and numbers.  He loves this and it is self-motivating for him.  I like that fact that he has a model to trace and that I can work on pencil/marker grip when I am working with him.

3) Salt Tracing: A tip for our curriculum suggested using salt to practice forming the number 5.  I poured a heap of salt on a sturdy plastic plate with a raised edge and both kids played and played.  It's one of those things I can pull out before dinner so they don't pull at my leg begging for gummies to eat. 

Those are a few new things we've found to save sanity and keep TV off.  Please share your latest finds in the comment section!

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