Friday, December 12, 2008

Need some zip

I don't have any zip today. Don't feel like picking up and putting away things. Wish I wanted to though. Does wistfulness count toward housekeeping? This week has been much slower than last week, thankfully. The Christmas production, a Singing Christmas tree, went well. I always love being a part of Christmas musicals. So hopeful. I even made it through standing about 15 feet off the ground on a Styrofoam box for an hour and a half. Wearing a gold lamae cape and red stole. Hey, I'm in the Lord's army :)

Mom and Dad truly spoiled Jay and introduced him to Zwieback toast. He's been on a roll eating jar food. His stomach has been a little more turbulent, however. Mom and Dad baby-sat while we went to a company dinner. Good food and people, though a little long waiting for courses. It took about 3 hours from salad to dessert!
I wore some of my Santa duds early to the party. Now that I'm a mom, I definitely feel the need to jazz up my wardrobe. I wore black lace peep toe stilettos. My fab-ness was somewhat dampened due to the fact that the boss's sister was wearing the same top.

I'm off to shower, feed Jay, and maybe gear up to do the dishes.

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