Friday, September 27, 2013

The Altar, the Fitting Room, and the Kitchen Sink

This weekend had me moving in and out of these spheres-- the sacred, the silly, and the mundane.  It's delightfully exhausting to be a woman, isn't it?

I loaded up with 7 other Jesus girls and headed off to the dotMom conference in Chattanooga.  We needed a new battery about 45 minutes into the trip and stopped at Chick Fil A, Starbucks, and McDonalds along the way...before lunch.  (Delightful. Exhausting. Wink.)

The conference totally went beyond any expectations our group had.  48 plus hours away from home with hotel service, dinners out, and no one but our sweet selves to care for?  Oh, yeah.  A good time was a given.

But, man.  The teaching?  The speakers brought it.  This wasn't a "let's pat ourselves on the back as good Christian women" kinda thing.  It was encouraging, but also powerful and challenging.  I loved it.

About 5 minutes into the first teaching session, I lean over to my group and announce, "Are you hearing this?"  It was the truth.  There is a collective weariness in us as women.  The Happily Ever After.  The Perfect Portrait.  And we let that get in the way of the life to which we have been called. And as Jen Hatmaker remarked, "Jesus does his best work in reality."

Here are a few of my favorite W-O-R-D-S from the weekend:

On how to be "enough" for your family: "Just show them Jesus." -Vicki Courtney

and  "God can take you on... He's stronger than your natural disposition."
-Angela Thomas

On this generation of children being raised in church: "Behaving and Tithing will not inspire our kids' loyalty (to Christ and the Church.)" - Jen Hatmaker 

That one sunk down deep.

And basically every word a man named David Thomas (co-author of Wild Things: The Art of Raising Boys) said.  Basically affirmed in me that I am raising a boy.  First and foremost.  A boy who needs to be anchored in his mom's love, understanding, and protection.  And all the stuff my family is bending over backwards to do that feels kinda out there?  It's what ALL boys need-- space and time.  Ain't that somethin'?

I'm happy to report that all 8 of us ladies made it back safe and sound, still friends, with a lot of "this goes in the vault" kinds of stories and overshares and laughter.  And a trip to the bra fitter.  G-lory.  A proper fitting undergarment will make you feel like a natural wo-man.

I love being one.  It's the best.

Here's a 3 minute recap made by Lifeway:

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